College of Engineering Area V Required Courses
Electrical Engineering
There are no additional requirements in Areas I-V for students majoring in Electrical Engineering.
Please refer to the Alabama Transfer guide for all requirements. Also note: Only one half of the credit hours required for a degree may be transferred from a community college. While the total number of transfer hours will appear on the transcript, the academic department offering the major will determine how they may apply to the degree.
For more information regarding the degree in Electrical Engineering, please consult the USA Bulletin.
If you have questions about Electrical Engineering, contact:
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
SH 4122
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL 36688-0002
Ph: (251) 460-6117
For questions about Transfer Admissions contact the Office of Admissions at (251) 460-6141 or Admissions guidelines for transfer students can also be found on the Admissions web site. For questions about transfer credit evaluations, contact the Office of the Registrar at (251) 460-6251 or
Alabama Transfer Guide
Please print these pages. Fill in your name, signature, and today's date. Attach these pages to your Alabama Transfer guide.